Sunday, June 28, 2015 {6.8 - 6.14}

My little girls are so funny lately - well they are always funny, but lately they are SERIOUSLY funny.

Alya is so busy. She runs around the house pulling all the toys and books off the shelves, she pulls all the rags and towels and utensils out of the drawers, but she never really stops to play with any of it. She is our little cyclone.

Lyla wants to hug and kiss everything. When we go fishing, she says " 'mere fishy fishy. Hug you. Kiss you." She wants to hug and kiss all the birds, ants, spiders, really anything. She loves to smell flowers. She pulled me out of church one day to smell the flowers around the building. She managed to pull me out of church because she threw one of her worsening tantrums. Her tantrums have been awesome lately. She threw two fits this week that lasted a good 15 minutes. It's been pretty intense.

The girls also love the park, but they are very territorial. The swings are THEIRS. There are two swings and when the girls are ready to swing, they both better be available. Alya refuses to swing unless there is one available for Lyla too. It's cute that she wants to take care of her sister, but it's kind of embarrassing. Haha!

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