Tuesday, November 5, 2019

{10.7.19 - 10.13.19}

The girls got to go on their first field trip this week!! They were so excited to ride the bus! I'm glad that the boys and I were able to go with them! 
They said they were really glad that I could go with them because they were a little nervous about it, but you'll notice that I don't have any pictures of Alya...that's because we got to the pumpkin patch and she didn't even turn around to make sure I was there. Which is something I'm glad about, believe it or not! I love that she can just go and have fun!  

The kids have a habbit of slamming our gate and they get in trouble for it everytime they do. I was downstairs one morning putting some clothes away and I could hear the gate slamming. So I was on my way up to yell at whoever the culprit was and I heard a loud band and Axel say "uh oh." When I got up the stairs he was trying to put the gate back together. Thankfully Eli doesn't need the gate anymore. It's so weird to not have it though! After about six years with the gate it seems so different to be without it!  
Eli loves it when Bullet gets to come inside. Bullet is so patient with Eli, thank goodness!  
Oh Axel. He just cracks me up! I had put his regular clothes on him as I always do, but next thing I know this little pink blur ran right past me. I walked into the front room and found him like this! // I am so proud of these little trees I burned!!  
You know, pre-church shenanigans. I sometimes have an internal struggle with situations like this, because I am just so glad they are all getting along but I'm afraid of someone getting hurt if it continues!  
Eli loves popcorn as much as the rest of his family. Probably more-so than some of his family! I love it when he just climbs up next to me like this. I love his chubby little fingers and his cute little feet! 

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