Friday, April 7, 2017

.six months.


How is he six months old!? I truly feel like the last half of a year has gone so fast and I cannot wrap my head around it!
Axel likes to hold onto a chunk of my hair on the back of my head when I hold him.
He still LOVES to jump. He has polished the floor because he jumps so much! He also likes to walk while he's in his jumper. He'll take a few steps and either try to hold himself there, or let himself swing back and do it again.
He doesn't like bananas or peas. He does like apple slices, bell peppers and even enjoyed his first French fry. Pears are his favorite, and he loves to chew on his tongue!
I love to listen to the new sounds he is making. He says " nah....mamamama....da da" among others. And he hums.  I love his voice!
He is trying to get up onto his knees from his stomach.
He loves the tub, and baths are becoming a little more stressful for me as he wants to wiggle and explore. He had his first sink bath in an attempt to make things easier for me, but it just presented a whole new world of things to touch and grab for him, so it was equally as stressful!
He is wearing 6 month, and 9 month clothes.
He sits up like a pro these days, but he just wants to move SO bad!
He still loves to snuggle his soft blanket and always rolls to his side while he's sleeping. He rubs his eyes with the back of his hand and straight fingers, so it seems like he has a permanent scratch on his forehead from his fingernails.
There is a screw holding Axel's bed together above his head, and it gets his attention every time I lay him down. He has even tried to pull himself up to standing so that he can reach it! If we help him stand he will hold onto whatever is in front of him and hold himself up. He's held himself up on his crib and his exersaucer.
His legs seem to always be kicking and when he is excited they just kick harder and faster and his tongue sticks out and he lets out a crazy squeal. We all think it's hilarious!
Little man weighs 17.12 pounds (60th percentile) and is 28 inches long (90th percentile).
We sure love him and the fact that he is so entertaining for all of us!

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