Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Now that I am almost 17 weeks into my pregnancy, I guess I will give you an update on my babies at 16 weeks!
Matthew and I went up to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center to meet with a specialist again and measure our babies' growth. I can't believe how much they have changed in so little time. For Matthew it was probably CRAZY since the last time he saw them, they looked like "gummy bears." (That's how Matthew described them) :)
I am so amazed and so grateful for technology! I love seeing my babies grow and develop. It was SO cool to see their hearts - which now have four distinct chambers - working. And to see their brains starting to develop. It was just amazing!
Most of the pictures didn't turn out too clear...but here is an
adorable little foot!!!
 I am pretty excited, too 'cause I get to see them every two weeks for the next couple of months! I'm feeling pretty lucky to be able to keep such a close eye on them!
Anyway...one of the most exciting parts about this ultrasound was that we got to find out the gender of our little "gummy bears!"
These two little GIRLS are sure going to be spoiled!
I'm sure that they are going to be such Daddy's girls!
When I told my sister that the babies are girls, her son was a little disappointed. He "thought they'd be boys." I think they're growing on him, though. He called me this week to tell me what he's nicknamed my babies. Here's how our conversation went:
Daxton - "Auntie Goo what is your first baby's name?"
Me - *told him our first name*
Daxton - "What is the other baby's name?"
Me - "I'm not sure yet..."
Daxton - "Well think of somethin' real quick!"
Me - *threw out a name*
Daxton - "Okay! One of them is "Cupcake" and the other one is "Eap" okay?"
He makes me laugh so hard! I just love it!
So I've taken to calling Baby A "Cupcake" and Baby B "Eap."
Here is a pretty good profile of Cupcake!
I love her little nose!!!

Here is Baby Eap's profile!
Her sister was kicking her in the the head the whole time!
 I am doing pretty good too! I actually cleaned my whole house on Saturday! It feels so great to have some energy back! And maybe even better to not be so sick anymore!


At this stage, I think I just feel really big!
My doctor said that at 16 weeks I would be measuring about 18 or 19 weeks.
Now I just can't wait until I can feel them moving!