Tuesday, November 5, 2019

{9.30.19 - 10.6.19}

Eli loves to help! Whenever we are cooking he likes to get his own spatula and try to help us stir. Or when Matthew is swatting flies, Eli gets a spatula and uses it like a fly swatter. Spatulas are good for everything when it comes to this kid and it's so cute! // He has been super cuddly the last little while. I think he's getting a couple of more teeth (because that's my answer to everything when they are this little. Haha!) but he is still SO happy all the time...he just needs some extra loves and I'm not complaining about it...and I don't think Matthew is either.  
Axel is outgrowing his toddler bed so he got to come to the store with me and pick out his own sheets to put on his big bed! // We love it when we get to see Baby Turner! He is six months old now and doing things that a six month old should be doing, but he's still so tiny - his stats are honestly what my two/three month old babies stats were. He's darling!  
We got the girl's school pictures back this week and I am so in love with them! Left: Alya, Right: Lyla 
I love this brown eyed boy! He likes to have his blanket with him if he is on the floor at all. He likes us to lay him on it while we change his diaper and put his pajamas on him and he always reaches his little arms out to his side and grabs a chunk of his blanket and then wraps it around himself. It's so cute! He's just so cute!  
Look at him, just all snuggled into Daddy! It makes my heart melt!  

This kid is such a character! He is doing so good at pottying in the toilet. We are still working on the other stuff and if I have to wash it out of a pair of undies again we are going to have to try something else. He loves his Minnie Mouse pull-ups someone gave us...we'll probably have to go back to those! Haha! He is so funny though! He loves to pretend that he is a dragon...a girl dragon named Abro. If he's not a dragon he's probably a sparkly unicorn. He loves his pink and purple pull-ups (the hand me downs someone didn't need anymore, and who am I to turn down free pull-ups!?). Matthew tries so hard to get him to be more boy-ish things but he just won't have it. He loves to wear his Spiderman costume, but he makes sure to tell me that he's not Spiderman. He's Abro when he wears it. 
He says the funniest things! Some of my favorites lately are when it's windy outside he thinks he (or his bike, or the groceries as we walk to the car, or whatever is outside at the time) is going to "wind away." He tells me a lot that his "heart is telling me that I want (a specific show, or a treat)." He gets really serious, usually right before I am going to get him into bed and he says "Mom, I need to tell you something first. Gohno and Speeno rhyme together." And then he just crawls into the bed and that is the end of it. He's so funny! I have saved a couple of conversations he's been involved in that made me laugh. 

Axel: Mom, I peed and pooped. Will you change my bum? 
Me: Why didn't you use the toilet buddy?
Axel: Cause. It's the best I could do. 

Axel: (telling me about our family of fire dragons) and my father is red and I am red and every-nother-body is red.

Matthew: (helping Axel say the dinner prayer) We're thankful for Jesus.
Axel: We're thankful for the cheeses. 

He loves to sing. He catches on so easily to the words of a song and is really good at filling in the words he doesn't quite remember! He loves to sings "Gethsemane" and "Speachless" (from the new Aladdin movie) mostly because the girls like to sing those ones. His favorite songs are "Somebody that I Used to Know" by Goteye, "Sounds of Silence" and "Zombie" by The Bad Wolves. He tells me that he likes the boy songs. And he loves it if the lyrics sound funny to him...like when the artist takes the end of the word and just repeats that ending sound, or when they sing a different language. He thinks it's hilarious! He can put his own words to the tune of almost any song he's singing...which I think is pretty amazing for a three year old! 
He loves his little brother and it will be so nice when Eli is big enough to handle Axel's love. They play so cute together until Axel tries to sit on Eli's back, or lays on top of him, or runs around a corner and takes Eli out. They are so cute to watch together though. Eli loves to chase unicorn-Axel up and down the hall, and I love the way they just laugh with each other. It's darling!

Axel is so sneakily stubborn. He usually always gets his way just because he's patient enough to wait for the right moment. The best example I can think of is at dinner when he doesn't want to finish eating he will ask if he can be done. Of course we usually say no, or at least ask him to finish something on his plate and he just sits there quietly until we aren't paying attention and he just quietly gets down from his chair and walks into the other room and the next thing we know, we can hear him plunking away on the piano, or we can hear him talking to himself while he's playing with his toys. 
He is my little buddy and he is just growing up way too fast! 

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